urjsa: Sandracottus rotundus V.
ggallice: Metalmark butterfly (Lyropteryx apollonia)
 BlezSP: Chalcopteryx rutilans (Rambur, 1842)
Paolo Mars: Neoselva_Sachatamia_albomaculata_JDLS-WS
Jakob Arnholtz: Mirror and sky
Erland R.N.: Palpopleura vestita
TheDuality: Libellula
Arddu: Dhole
Rick Exstrom: Wall w/Trees
Rick Exstrom: In the Clouds...Top of Upper Yosemite Falls
annemcgr: The Lonely Tree
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: D480 - 03Dec2013
milouvision: Wave line
Robert Ogilvie: Up in the neighborhood One Morning
Cameron Mattis: The Flood Plain, Mont Saint-Michel
Erland R.N.: Libellula fulva
Jan Hamrsky: Spiketail dragonfly nymph (Cordulegaster boltonii)
Bernardo Möller: Medicine Lake V
Mihai F.: Storm over the bay
Samson So Photography: Moon surface
Samson So Photography: 點斑隼蟌 Libellago lineata
milouvision: March trees