LittleOliveBranch: Frigid temps means lots of handknits. Finally finished this guy over the weekend - shamefully all it needed was a side seam and sleeve seam (you dont want to know how long it sat being almost done...). #ihateseaming #finishingismyleastfavoritepart #knitst
LittleOliveBranch: One of about 10 finished quilt tops that have been waiting to be basted and quilted forever. Clearly I like the early parts of quilt comstruction. Time to get some finished! #quilting #finishit #crafturday
LittleOliveBranch: Toe up progress
LittleOliveBranch: Done! #knitstagram #thepluckyknitter #socks
LittleOliveBranch: One sock done!
LittleOliveBranch: Sock progress
LittleOliveBranch: Plucky Bello - Flannel
LittleOliveBranch: Wintry cap!
LittleOliveBranch: Manly cowl drying
LittleOliveBranch: James - home stretch on body!
LittleOliveBranch: Husband cowl
LittleOliveBranch: Côte-Nord hat progress
LittleOliveBranch: James sweater progress
LittleOliveBranch: Wintry Cap
LittleOliveBranch: IT'S DONE!!! #husbandsweater #knittingwifey #knitstagram
LittleOliveBranch: Scarf complete!
LittleOliveBranch: Holiday knits
LittleOliveBranch: Holiday knits
LittleOliveBranch: Plucky Single - Bastille
LittleOliveBranch: Malabrigo Worsted