Tugboat Printshop: "OVERLOOK" Woodcut Print // Drawing on Block in Progress
ZoyaM: New sketchbook & new pen
prusarn: Plantain Seed.
C.Nahaboo: Urocerus gigas
Tiffany Levy: Autumn Leaves
Sigrid de Vries - Frensen: Horse Chestnuts in Autumn
Mike Sherman Michigan Artist: Death of a Winter Wren
C.Nahaboo: Children of Atropos - detail
C.Nahaboo: IMG_1074
C.Nahaboo: Titanus giganteus
margarethe brummermann: painting by Sam Scālz.
C.Nahaboo: Acherontia atropos / tachina grossa Diptych
Kira_Culufin: reflections. variation. 2013
Short Paws 71: Wouldst thou seek again to trap me here
blue shed art: Late Summer Montbretia
blue shed art: Buttercup bouquet
Nu Scot: Speedwell sketch
creechc: Study page of rose sepals, stamen, pistils
Floating Lemons Art: Flower Sketch Discovered
Mike Sherman Michigan Artist: Broad-leaved twayblade, Alger County
Mike Sherman Michigan Artist: Dragon's Mouth, Marquette County
creechc: Star Magnolia study
creechc: Star Magnolia - May 10
downtownpearl: Dying-hibiscus
creechc: Mayapple study, continued. Graphite.
creechc: White trillium study, continued.
creechc: Wild geranium - started a graphite study.