enwudz: birthday morning!
enwudz: 7 years old today!
enwudz: king of the bunny slope
enwudz: zoom!
enwudz: the "Pizza" position
enwudz: snapping into the skis
enwudz: walking practice
enwudz: first ski lesson
enwudz: slip sliding away
enwudz: snowy slide
enwudz: swinging in the snow
enwudz: miniature snowman
enwudz: snuggly
enwudz: knights in plastic armor
enwudz: zip and joni
enwudz: happily relaxing with grandma woods and bella
enwudz: last night in Epcot
enwudz: nice warm evening
enwudz: trying some chocolate
enwudz: mint chip ice cream
enwudz: beachy swimming pool
enwudz: sand castle time
enwudz: snack break
enwudz: sun in our eyes at Epcot
enwudz: Test Track!
enwudz: approaching Spaceship Earth
enwudz: Joni needs sunglasses
enwudz: monorail!
enwudz: goodnight Magic Kingdom!
enwudz: noisy parade at sunset