James Deitsch: Totality
thephantomhennes: Totality Mash Up
Jeff Bray: Up to totality in So Cal
Andre vd Hoeven: Totality!
Chez Awesome: A1_03559-Edit.jpg
brad.152: _Q4A9115-Edit.jpg
FotoGrazio: Keeping the eggs warm
NiBe60: Nibbled
JG Photography86: Great-Crested Grebe.
Mike Veltri: Blue-winged Teal (male)
Alastair Marsh Photography: Great Crested Grebes
Chri-stian: You better run run run ...
Wayne Pinkston: Whispers of Time Past
reinaroundtheglobe: Tranquilitree
Chuck Hantis: American Kestrel
Chuck Hantis: Hooded Merganser (f)
steve whiteley: Little Grebe
PatNik01: Bouquetin des alpes-Capra ibex
(Jessica): Santa Monica sunset
Mick Thompson1: Redheads
Schocken Photography: Woody Takes Flight
FotoGrazio: A link that unites and divides
Chuck Hantis: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Phátography 分店: Great blue heron
001nitish.sharma: Interconnected Love
Schocken Photography: They're Back!
Jamie MacArthur: Emergence