mikeyashworth: The Kynoch Press - advert - lettering by Eric Ravilious
mikeyashworth: Royal Air Mail - GPO booklet, 1964 designed by London Typographical Designers Ltd.
TypeOff: DSC_0054.JPG
edinburghcityofprint: Hislop and Day Sign
axshuzaifa: Stolperstein
Dunwich Type: Alternate Gothic Type Specimen
Nick Sherman: Bell Centennial: 4
amykeo15: Bell Gothic
Florian Hardwig: Dünnbier
Stewf: IBM Selectric Composer Type Designs, March 1968
Stewf: Accounting Legal Real Estate sign, East Village, NYC
Nick Sherman: Heads and Bodies
Stewf: “Schrift” by Ernst Bentele, p52
sebhayez (designers-books.com): New Alphabets A to Z
Nick Sherman: STYLE
Rui Type Abreu: Schriften Lettering Ecritures, Walter Käch, 1949
Rui Type Abreu: Schriften Lettering Ecritures, Walter Käch, 1949
Rui Type Abreu: Schriften Lettering Ecritures, Walter Käch, 1949
Rui Type Abreu: Schriften Lettering Ecritures, Walter Käch, 1949
Rui Type Abreu: Schriften Lettering Ecritures, Walter Käch, 1949
Stewf: Royal Gothic Italic 2 small
Stewf: Royal Gothic Italic 2
Stewf: Royal Gothic small
Stewf: Royal Gothic
UWEC Archives: Compugraphic 7200 I Typesetter
Renato Morselli: FMR n.79
pilllpat (agence eureka): speedball textbook p0
kateleri: Over my dead body, Mona Hatoum
David Cabianca: Martens_OASE 52 1999
David Cabianca: OASE 95: Crossing Boundaries Transcultural Practices in Architecture and Urbanism 2015