listorama: Magical steps... 4390
listorama: Billowing cloud of sandstone... 20060419_4731
listorama: Unknowingly hiking toward a dead-end... 20060419_4785
listorama: Alcove garden... 20060419_4793
listorama: Size matters!... 20060419_4799
listorama: Hikers near the end of the Delicate Arch Trail... 20060419_4901
listorama: I spy with my little eye something worthy of being on a license plate... 20060419_4937
listorama: Solitude found close to Delicate Arch... 20060419_5069
listorama: Interruption of ripples... 20060419_5274
listorama: Foot prints... 20061019_5807
listorama: Hikers on the Delicate Arch Trail... 20061019_5412
listorama: Columns in late afternoon... 20061019_5738
listorama: Three levels... 20061019_5751
listorama: Echo Arch... 20061019_5753
listorama: Little garden in the sandstone near Delicate Arch... 20061019_5757
listorama: Posing on yet another petrified sand dune... 20061019_5771
listorama: Forms and shadows... 20091019_5780
listorama: Terrain... 20061019_5811
listorama: No cartoons before the movie!... 20061015_8350
listorama: Railroad track and Arches National Park... 20070316_1891
listorama: Bland landscape as amplifier... 20070318_3280
listorama: Nylon on sandstone... 20070318_3427
listorama: Panorama from atop the "alcove blob"... 20070318_3481-84-87-90-93
listorama: Alcove in the blob... 20070318_3527
listorama: Blobs near Delicate Arch... 20070318_3551-54-57
listorama: Another cruel deception foisted upon the masses... 20070318_3610
listorama: Near Delicate Arch... 20070318_4146
listorama: Swirls in petrified sand dunes... 29970318_4171
listorama: Sandstone swirls below "Muffin Rock"... 20070318_4173
listorama: Shadowy self in Arches National Park... 20070318_4199