listorama: 20070318_4269...Light fights a losing battle
listorama: Backcountry of Arches National Park... 20070325_8655
listorama: Park Avenue Spires... 20070921_4221
listorama: Rainbow Arch... 20070921_4175
listorama: Wall and sky... 20070921_4284
listorama: Park Avenue by moonlight... 20070925_6215
listorama: Park Avenue shelf in moonlight... 20070925_6230
listorama: Stars over Park Avenue... 20070925_6241
listorama: The Organ, by moonlight... 20070925_6245
listorama: Bendover, Utah... 20070927_6724
listorama: Wash Boy pauses for a photograph... 20070927_6994
listorama: Blob Boy on "Alcove Rock"... 20070927_7687
listorama: I am not a sham---wow!... 20070927_7695
listorama: Sunset in Arches NP... 20070927_7740
listorama: Moon wall in Arches National Park... 20071001_8397
listorama: Sand stone begets sand hill... 20071001_8445
listorama: Wall of morning light... 20071001_8475
listorama: Sand hill... 20071001_8645
listorama: 20080509_7897...Back side of Park Avenue
listorama: 20080509_7897...Uncropped sandstone
listorama: Three Gossips... 20080509_7909
listorama: Gossip about my Sienna... 20081008_8635
listorama: Ridge formation in Arches National Park... 20081008_8644
listorama: Column of the Ancients... 20081008_8752
listorama: Courthouse colors... 20081022_6726
listorama: Fall colors in Courthouse Wash... 20081022_6746
listorama: Bush below buttress... 20081024_7796
listorama: Fall at Courthouse Wash... 20081024_7802
listorama: Greatest shortcoming of Arches NP... 20090523_5475
listorama: Break in the storm... 20090523_5680