Lisa Sanderson: #takeonpocono #poconos
Lisa Sanderson: #bambi #mybackyard
Lisa Sanderson: Captured the edge of a storm last week. Pretty cool!
Lisa Sanderson: Robin chicks hatched in a nest by my front door #spring #birdage #poconos
Lisa Sanderson: Bear in Penn Estates! Her baby was nearby. I love where I live! #poconos #mybackyard
Lisa Sanderson: Tumbling Waters Trail Vista overlooking Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Lisa Sanderson: #sundaynap #thumbsup
Lisa Sanderson: #thinkspring #colorsplash
Lisa Sanderson: #olloclip
Lisa Sanderson: #tinybubbles #ollocip
Lisa Sanderson: #funwithtulips lol #olloclip
Lisa Sanderson: #thinkpink #olloclip
Lisa Sanderson: #thinkspring #olloclip
Lisa Sanderson: Paws in motion. This is one contented kitty!
Lisa Sanderson: Happy #nationalbirdday from Bijou's flock to yours :)
Lisa Sanderson: Not a fan of the purple ones. #leftovers
Lisa Sanderson: Cinnie having a Christmas nap with his Christmas meeces.
Lisa Sanderson: Ernie's bedroom eyes. This boy loves to be loved. He and Cinnamon should get along just fine <3
Lisa Sanderson: Working from home isn't so bad :)
Lisa Sanderson: Hurricane survival
Lisa Sanderson: The last yellow leaf
Lisa Sanderson: I'd be angry if this was scotch or something lol
Lisa Sanderson: on golden pond....
Lisa Sanderson: Bijou thinks I play faves with the camera. So here he is enjoying an afternoon on mommy's arm. Cinnamon is not impressed, especially since he's relegated to the bedroom.