gregweircan: Pheasant #novascotia
gregweircan: Downy Woodpecker #capebreton
gregweircan: Pheasant #novascotia
gregweircan: Great Horned Owl #novascotia
gregweircan: Bald Eagle #novascotia
gregweircan: upload
gregweircan: Red Fox
gregweircan: Hungry Timberwolf
gregweircan: Hungry Timberwolf
gregweircan: Hungry Timberwolf
gregweircan: upload
gregweircan: Red fox
gregweircan: Mallard
gregweircan: Canada Goose
gregweircan: Nesting material
gregweircan: Red Squirrel gathering nesting material
gregweircan: In Port Hawkesbury #capebreton
gregweircan: Still cold enough on April 9th for Mabel And Alexander Graham Bell to need a scarf to look over the frozen Baddeck Bay.
gregweircan: A lovely Barred Owl In our yard today. #capebreton
gregweircan: Near Port Hawkesbury #capebreton
gregweircan: My 6' tall son and his dog on April 8th #capebreton
gregweircan: Barred Owl in our yard today. #capebreton
gregweircan: Barred Owl just outside above our back deck today. #capebreton
gregweircan: The front of the house on April 8th #capebreton
gregweircan: April 9th and Baddeck Bay is still completely frozen over. #capebreton
gregweircan: The bridge over the Brook in our yard. #capebreton
gregweircan: Coming back from Cape Smokey in winter. #capebreton
gregweircan: Strange ice formation under a log over our brook #capebreton
gregweircan: Rose-breasted Grosbeak #capebreton