a.m.medina: Treepicks
Sator Arepo: Fado I: Salón Limpiabotas / Bootblack Shop
PsycoMarc: Racchiuso in un incanto.
_IIN KIN: panasonic DMC-L1 & KONICA HEXANON 57mm/f1.2 AR (fit for 4/3mount)
yosoynacho: butterfly
Farzboud: Butterfly
Kent Mercurio: Nascent
Kent Mercurio: Besides
illuminaut: The Usual Suspects
krizzly7: tree
CB 357: Day 199/365 (18 July 09) - Newcastle Sunset
tonyng: Adverture
Mommyof4Ruggies: Dbl Trouble!
philippe MANGUIN photographies: BRETAGNE - L'Abbaye de Paimpont
Sam' place: Evidence of spring ....
advertising amy: the unmoving town. 41/365