audiodam: Do I know you?
BKHagar *Kim*: Nicholas Yochum
coulportste: Bluebells in the Wood
5348 Franco: fiore di mela cotogna
ltodd1: Mission Range.....
coulportste: In the Woods Sheep in the woods II
mimbrava: "Is it dinnertime yet?"
mimbrava: Ruby-throated hummingbird mosaic
wild prairie man: 2004_1402 Ring-necked Pheasant
Bruce aka Bingee: Crying Roses
*CA*: They said she dressed to provoke
mimbrava: mom and kids
mimbrava: teeny fly
mimbrava: just chillin'
mimbrava: a nice surprise
mimbrava: an early morning visitor
mimbrava: relishing Rudbeckia
Buddha's Ghost: Wicked Games
Photomaginarium: "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” - Hemmingway
Photomaginarium: breakthrough.
wfxue: 20150506_F0001: Random bird-on-a-branch shot
Liping Photo: Sunset @ Folsom Lake
Cut2Run: The Pantocrator - Church of the Savior on Blood
Cut2Run: Shines, but warms not
Cut2Run: Snowdog