line.theory: fenced in
line.theory: columns
line.theory: he walks a lonely road
line.theory: cold and dark
line.theory: ominous shapes in the night
line.theory: a modern scream
line.theory: hospitals scare me
line.theory: When you kill yourself you kill your friends
line.theory: this is how my dreams look
line.theory: lucky to have a choice of seasoning
line.theory: the leisurely way to shop
line.theory: should I take the stairs?
line.theory: lots and lots and lots of books
line.theory: even more books, and this time they're in focus
line.theory: happy new year?
line.theory: light in the darkness
line.theory: red coffee
line.theory: light (cobwebs)
line.theory: light-stove
line.theory: light (window)
line.theory: light (duck)
line.theory: light (bulb)
line.theory: furniture as a friend
line.theory: cafe wall
line.theory: my wall
line.theory: fighting to keep them open