line.theory: what are you looking at?
line.theory: smoking in the sun
line.theory: man ties shoelace
line.theory: the quiet moment
line.theory: paused for thought
line.theory: it ends
line.theory: concern in his eyes
line.theory: discarded
line.theory: don't give up hope
line.theory: there are always bumps in the road
line.theory: two stories
line.theory: does he see you
line.theory: not quite sure
line.theory: out the back
line.theory: in pain
line.theory: like bombs
line.theory: with the fire of a thousand suns
line.theory: old and new
line.theory: thoughts elsewhere
line.theory: myer presents
line.theory: a lull at dinner
line.theory: why I love the morning
line.theory: overwhelmed
line.theory: man at the bus stop
line.theory: 17. an end
line.theory: 16. the fog clears
line.theory: turn your back on me, then
line.theory: 15. birds of a feather