Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 146 - Sensual refreshment
The Library of Congress: Poster for a side show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland (LOC)
EltonoLab: Eltono - Line and Surface book
EltonoLab: Eltono - Confetti Print
sweet16nine: HAKU PABK BOOMC
Heystudio: Llibres a l'Abast
Francesco Franchi: IL34 — Dossier
Francesco Franchi: IL 35 - COVER / third version
Tyler The Creator: The man himself.
Lord Jim: Sep2011 (170)
Lord Jim: Sep2011 (175)
Matt Hamm: Farnham University of Creative Arts graphic communication degree show
Matt Hamm: Farnham University of Creative Arts graphic communication degree show
Matt Hamm: Natural Selection business cards - designed by me
Sam Felder: Joseph Albers
Big Ed Mustapha: SACR PEMEX
Shabdro Photo: Nghts001
Shabdro Photo: Ngtsht15
108 is NIHIL: 108 @ FAME festival 2011