mplatt86: Broadstairs in Snow
mplatt86: Ollie the Cat
Teeny Blondini: Confessions in a Notebook
Golden Moments Petography: You have a little something on your face!
Reina Medrano: Love is like a butterfly, hold it too tight, it'll crush. Hold it too loose, it'll fly.
anita gt: Window Garden
isayx3: Hillsong United
B A S S A M: But now there is a time, A torture less sublime
kdyakon: writing down my thoughts
VeryViVi: {226/365 2010} ViVi's Ballerina Dreams: The Sleeping Ballerina
cindyloughridge: Have you been to the land of happy?
michelle michelle: through the window
Pin Pasol: take me as i am
VeryViVi: The Dog Days of August - A Grand Jete Into The Ocean Sunset
mroca: boots
Xavier Cloitre: Hot-Air Balloon
FlavioSarescia: Twelve Apostles Cape Town
Anna (: !: That endless summer, please take me there.
crthomas888: 2010_07_06_Summer Vacation_1065.jpg
josue;: hold on tight, time slips away
S.GuCh.: Bokeh lights
the__edge: What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Pyroninja: Forest
laughingtiffany: 203/365: 4 Sisters?!