ProSession: One million green jobs
ProSession: One of hundreds of fellow photographers
ProSession: Saving our NHS
ProSession: TTIP protest Climate Revolutionaries
ProSession: Lip balm, lip-smacking Climate Justice marcher
ProSession: Revolution banner
ProSession: Climate revolutionary
ProSession: TTIP protest placards
ProSession: Fracking protest
ProSession: Campaigner
ProSession: Fracking is a crime
ProSession: Greenpeace supporter
ProSession: Stop Fossil Fuel campaigner
ProSession: Fracking protester
ProSession: Apples for free
ProSession: Delicious apples
ProSession: Don't bomb Syria campaigner
ProSession: Apples for free
ProSession: Tiger, burning bright
ProSession: March of the animals
ProSession: Awareness raising
ProSession: Austerity protesters
ProSession: Clean Air Campaigners
ProSession: Clean Energy campaigners
ProSession: Need, greed
ProSession: Extinction awareness
ProSession: The Elephant in the Room
ProSession: One Million Jobs placard
ProSession: Walking with the Pope
ProSession: Campaigner