Linda M Lewis:
Threat-waisted Wasp
Linda M Lewis:
Thread-waisted Wasp
Linda M Lewis:
Carolina Chickadee
Linda M Lewis:
Tawny Emperor
Linda M Lewis:
Eastern Tailed Blue (underside) on Late Boneset
Linda M Lewis:
Eastern Tailed Blue on Late Boneset
Linda M Lewis:
Eastern Tailed Blue on Late Boneset
Linda M Lewis:
Common Baskettail dragonfly
Linda M Lewis:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Linda M Lewis:
"Butter Butt" (Yellow-rumped Warbler)
Linda M Lewis:
"Darth Vulture" (Turkey Vulture)
Linda M Lewis:
Baby Nutrias
Linda M Lewis:
Nutria mother and baby
Linda M Lewis:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Linda M Lewis:
White-tailed Deer at sunset
Linda M Lewis:
Standing squirrel
Linda M Lewis:
Gulf Coast Toad
Linda M Lewis:
Southern Leopard Frog
Linda M Lewis:
Orange-crowned Warbler
Linda M Lewis:
Bewicks Wren
Linda M Lewis:
Least Sandpiper 1
Linda M Lewis:
Least Sandpiper 10-27-19 VCDB
Linda M Lewis:
Juvenile Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Linda M Lewis:
Garden Spider
Linda M Lewis:
Immature Little Blue Heron
Linda M Lewis:
Cherry trees at the Tidal Basin
Linda M Lewis:
flowering vine
Linda M Lewis:
Red-spotted Purple
Linda M Lewis:
Four-spotted Pennant
Linda M Lewis:
Halloween Pennant