morgued: 1. Big dog, no heart, we ain't built the same, nah.
morgued: 2. Maybe if I had something to say.. Butterfly effect from the last three days now.
morgued: 3. Mixing bad decisions up with one night stands and Hennessey.
Tweeko: Something, anything?
Cataleya.: . i want a coffee, a tattoo & a vacation .
Cataleya.: . i remember that .
Cataleya.: . n i g h t t r i p .
Cataleya.: . i'm a girl. i should do as i like .
Cataleya.: . i really need a day between saturday & sunday .
Cataleya.: . d o n' t .... wake me up .
Cataleya.: . . . . m a y b e .
Cataleya.: . u n d e r my s k i n .
Cataleya.: . h a i * s o c i e t y .
Eva Knoller: remember
Eva Knoller: here comes trouble
Eva Knoller: that spring feeling
Eva Knoller: cautiously optimistic
Eva Knoller: I don't know anymore
Eva Knoller: lit together
Eva Knoller: the fair of skins
Eva Knoller: pit stop
Eva Knoller: bus stop
Eva Knoller: Pryce Bloom of Spring : Humanity's Heart
Eva Knoller: not so starry-eyed anymore
Eva Knoller: foreground
Eva Knoller: spring has sprung!
Eva Knoller: miss daisy