The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 7 of "Invasion; a descriptive & satirical poem"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 224 of "De Rouen à la Rochelle sur le steam-launch Ruy-Blas, ... avec illustrations de l'auteur, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 93 of "Le Congo en images, raconté aux enfants. Histoire, habitants, mœurs, civilisation, portraits des explorateurs, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 240 of "By Fell and Fjord; or, scenes and studies in Iceland ... With illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 36 of "Our Earth and its Story: a popular treatise on physical geography. Edited by R. Brown. With ... coloured plates and maps, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 109 of "Pictures and Songs for Little Children"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 172 of "A Narrow, Narrow World"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 271 of "The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young readers"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 221 of "The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young readers"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 38 of "Our Earth and its Story: a popular treatise on physical geography. Edited by R. Brown. With ... coloured plates and maps, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 755 of "Amerika: eine allgemeine Landeskunde. In Gemeinschaft mit Dr. E. Deckert und Prof. Dr. W. Kükenthal herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. W. Sievers. Mit 201 Abbildungen, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 99 of "New nd original Poems, with notes, on Creation and Redemption, ... comprising the history of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and the Footsteps of Jesus [With illustrations.] vol. 1"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 443 of "Through Unknown African Countries. The first expedition from Somaliland to Lake Lamu ... Illustrated [With maps.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 465 of "The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 493 of "The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Pamaratta [sic], Sydney, and all its dependancies ... with the customs and manners of the natives, and an account of the English colony,
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 542 of "An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales ... To which are added, some particulars of New Zealand; compiled ... from the MSS. of Lieutenant-Governor King ... Illustrated by engravings"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 124 of "A Naturalist in North Celebes. A narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, with notices of the fauna, flora and ethnology of the districts visited ... With maps and illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 267 of "The Land of the Lion; or, Adventures among the wild animals of Africa. With ... illustrations"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 207 of "The British Miscellany: or, coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, etc. vol. I, vol. II"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 413 of "Matabele Land and the Victoria Falls ... Edited by C. G. Oates ... Second edition [With appendices by G. Rolleston, R. B. Sharpe, J. O. Westwood, and R. A. Rolfe.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 244 of "Rantin Robin & Marget. With other Scottish sketches & homely rhymes"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 227 of "The Wonders of The World in Nature and Art. Edited by H. Ince"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 186 of "Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers by Captain L. Sitgreaves ... Illustrations. (Report on ... Natural History ... by S. W. Woodhouse. Zoology: mammals and birds by S. W. Woodhouse; r
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 305 of "The British Miscellany: or, coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, etc. vol. I, vol. II"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 241 of "De Sanskulotten in Vlaanderen, of De Heldenstrijd der Boeren in 1798"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 163 of "Voyage et aventures autour du monde de Robert Kergorièu [With plates.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 845 of "Монголія и страна Тангутовъ, трехлѣтнее путешествіе въ Восточной Нагорной Азіи"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 15 of "Wedding Bells [A selection of verses by various authors. Edited and with illustrations by F. Brundage.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 7 of "The Heart's-Ease Series of un-sectarian ... Poems ... Number 1 ... 'Mamma, is Jesus dead?' etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 237 of "The Book of Days. A miscellany of popular antiquties, in connection with the calendar ... Edited by R. Chambers"