vickilb49323: Kaye Wiggs Gracie Elf
vickilb49323: Kaye Wiggs Gracie Elf
Meadowdolls: Hannah and Avery
Maggie and Kate Create: Kaye Wiggs Izzy
heliantas: A rainy Sunday afternoon
Sakuli: Small #engendritos for #Ldoll ! #handmade #doll #ldoll2014
nabarro88: faceup
nabarro88: faceup
nabarro88: faceup
LeeJaeYeon: Same Face, Different Outfit
~*~Cathy~*~: Maunier
vickilb49323: Kaye Wiggs Millie w/ Sally Chandler faceup
heliantas: Mon precieux
heliantas: Mon precieux
6luciole: Marbled Halls by Connie Lowe booth
6luciole: Marbled Halls by Connie Lowe booth
6luciole: Marbled Halls by Connie Lowe booth
6luciole: Marbled Halls by Connie Lowe booth
6luciole: Marbled Halls by Connie Lowe booth
Sakuli: Enyo_w_red_Ldoll
idaanine: Childhood memories
heliantas: Preview Ldoll du jour...
woofy24: Picture 031
woofy24: Picture 028