'Lil Sonny Sky: Mono printing joy
'Lil Sonny Sky: Mono printing joy
'Lil Sonny Sky: Mono printing joy
'Lil Sonny Sky: The dried up top of the process red ink looks like something from Greys anatomy! #wypw #greysanatomy #redink #monoprinting
'Lil Sonny Sky: Gorgeous moody skies on this mornings run #sky #autumn #run #8k #happydays #onelifeliveit
'Lil Sonny Sky: See how Autumn Joy and Marmalade evolved over on the blog today lilsonnysky.blogspot.co.uk Happy Monday! #screenprinting #lilsonnysky #autumn #print #printmaking #wypw
'Lil Sonny Sky: Hello autumn! #applepie #autumn #pie
'Lil Sonny Sky: Happy turquoise bird print in my shops today! #happydays #turquoise #screenprint #screenprinting #wypw
'Lil Sonny Sky: A flock of prints #happydays #screenprinting #screenprint #bird #illustration
'Lil Sonny Sky: Cloudy night #printmaking #monoprinting #YSP #clouds
'Lil Sonny Sky: Bubble wrap cloud, a bit obsessed with creating clouds at the moment, where's my head at !? #charlesshearer #YSP #yorkshiresculpturepark #clouds #cloud #monoprinting #printmaking ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
'Lil Sonny Sky: Signing Lily and Bear Grumpy Feet at Dean Clough Mill Halifax for @watermarkgallery ready for the Cambridge Art Fair! Exciting times! #deanclough #cambridgeartfair #lilyandbear #childrensbook #childrensbookillustration
'Lil Sonny Sky: Painting Lily and Bear artwork for @watermarkgallery #childrensbookillustration #childrensbooks #illustration #watermarkgallery
'Lil Sonny Sky: Hot n hazy in the holme valley #septembersun #happydays #holmfirth #yorkshire #hazysunshine
'Lil Sonny Sky: Bobby dazzlers on the drying rack! #80schild #bobbydazzler #screenprinting #wypw #happydays
'Lil Sonny Sky: Jackson pollock would be impressed with my orange mixing #mixingcolors #wypw #screenprinting #orange #acrylic
'Lil Sonny Sky: 1st September!? The holidays have gone way too fast for my liking, can we go back to the start please and do it all again! #holidayblues #tbt #throwbackthursday #throwback #happydays
'Lil Sonny Sky: I printed a flock of thank you's today #wypw #wip #screenprinting #thankyou #bird
'Lil Sonny Sky: Love packing butties up and going for walks with Sonny #yorkshire #qualitytime #summerlove #nevergrowup
'Lil Sonny Sky: Bird of paradise #gorgeousflower #birdofparadise #fabflowers
'Lil Sonny Sky: The amazing architect Cesar Manrique #omarsherif #cesarmanrique #dreamhouse #volcano #happy #architecture
'Lil Sonny Sky: Taking 5 out of the sun #throughtheroundwindow #jollies #happyday
'Lil Sonny Sky: It's a runners paradise #running #run #7k #runningofficecream
'Lil Sonny Sky: Lovely book cover in our room #bookjacket #graphics #colourinspiration
'Lil Sonny Sky: My view as I read my book #jollies #happydays #qualitytime
'Lil Sonny Sky: So excited! #jollies #happydays
'Lil Sonny Sky: Sunny long hot run this morning #sweatinglikeabigladinachipshop #8k #run
'Lil Sonny Sky: Me And Nicki at Yorkshire Sculpture park #ysp #reflection
'Lil Sonny Sky: Lily and Bear at the Yorkshire Sculpture park today! #lilyandbear #happydays
'Lil Sonny Sky: Strawberries and screen at kings cross #london #kingscross #wimbledon