lillycallisto: Mmm coconut
lillycallisto: Thank You! elka 
lillycallisto: cappuccino xoxo
lillycallisto: Mochi xoxo
lillycallisto: Mango honey dew sanria
lillycallisto: Cream soda
lillycallisto: Mini Cupcakes Baked by Melissa
lillycallisto: Cupcake workshop
lillycallisto: Green haired Lady
lillycallisto: Walking around Harlem
lillycallisto: Staring out the window
lillycallisto: Snow Day!!
lillycallisto: Heart Cookie
lillycallisto: GW Bridge
lillycallisto: On the 1
lillycallisto: Inside my Bag
lillycallisto: More icecream
lillycallisto: Mmm ice cream
lillycallisto: Boot slippers!
lillycallisto: Merry Christmas
lillycallisto: Kara Cupcake
lillycallisto: Taiyaki
lillycallisto: Trip to SF
lillycallisto: Chocolate concoction
lillycallisto: New Yorkers can be friendly
lillycallisto: Mugging on the subway
lillycallisto: Mochi's collar
lillycallisto: Arepa con Chicharron y Chorizo
lillycallisto: Bored... What a face, can you believe people are actually scared of him :P
lillycallisto: Waiting for the UPS truck to come :P