lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: medieval style cloak clasp
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Medieval ring prototype
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Penannular medieval style brooch Amethyst, Garnet, & Emerald in silver plate.
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Ruby Amethyst Sapphire Medieval style Gilt ring
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Silver and Amber veil pin
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Moonstone Copper and Brass Veil Pins
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Unseelie Queen Fairy Crown
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Unseelie Necklace and Earrings
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Sparkling Frozen Shadow
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: unseelie fairy queen costume
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Banshee haunting my yard!
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Steampunk Portable Device Purse
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Wood & Brass Steampunk Goggles
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Xevian 9 Steampunk brass raygun
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: in our formal sitting room
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: steampunk mourning dress
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: steampunk mourning dress
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: steampunk mourning dress
lilibat mistress of Antimony & Lace: Emerald on Moonlit Lace