Yuko Uemura: Cotton bags
Yuko Uemura: cotton bags
moucri: PolaMoo
zonepress: Untitled
satie*: squares
satie*: Anyone has a secret.
Taγ€€: drawing #3
Sarah McNeil: Holding Book
Patrick Ng: Sensu brush is the best stylus I've ever found! Writing with it on iPad is effortless, not to mention the amazing low friction digital painting in apps like Paper.
uppercaseyyc: From Giovannella http://www.onebuntingaway.blogspot.com
Superkitina: Madrid in Love
*Juliabe: iPad sweater
youngdoo: October 2012
moxiee: December 8 & 9
youngdoo: August 2012
{manda}: Roid Week: Day 3
{manda}: Roid Week: Day 3
Patrick Ng: Miniature Times Square Hong Kong
inkdesigner: Evangelion Unit-02. Arrived!