lighting.detectives: Yokohama - group photo with their favorite drowing(横浜 - お気に入りの絵と一緒に集合写真)
lighting.detectives: Yokohama - children are drowing with paint, crayon and many other materials(横浜 - 絵具やクレヨンなどを使って絵をかいていきます)
lighting.detectives: Yokohama - drowing exhibition at ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE(横浜 - 象の鼻テラスにて発表会)
lighting.detectives: Yokohama - Yokohama at dusk(横浜 - 夕暮れ時の横浜)
lighting.detectives: Yokohama - sketching boy(横浜 - スケッチに夢中な男の子)
lighting.detectives: Takashima-daira - Sketch & Notes for Takashima-daira City section
lighting.detectives: Takashima-daira - a glocery store at night(高島平 - 夜のスーパーマーケット)
lighting.detectives: Takashima-daira - a housing at night(高島平 - 夜の団地)
lighting.detectives: Futago-tamagawa - Sketch & Notes for Futago-tamagawa City section
lighting.detectives: Futago-tamagawa - Futago-tamagawa RISE(二子玉川 - 二子玉川ライズ)
lighting.detectives: Futago-tamagawa - Futago-tamagawa Station(二子玉川 - 二子玉川駅)
lighting.detectives: Toyosu - Sketch & Notes for Toyosu City section
lighting.detectives: Toyosu - a home improvement center at night(豊洲 - 夜のホームセンター)
lighting.detectives: Toyosu - eye-level view(豊洲 - 街の景観)
lighting.detectives: Toyosu, Futago-tamagawa, Takashima-daira - nightscape and window color
lighting.detectives: Takashima-daira - cityscape(高島平 - 都市の様子)
lighting.detectives: Futago-tamagawa - cityscape(二子玉川 - 都市の様子)
lighting.detectives: Toyosu - citycape(豊洲 - 都市の様子)