Wild Within: At the stove.
Wild Within: Grammie, 97.
Wild Within: Making sure it's all mixed.
Wild Within: Stirring the sauce.
Wild Within: Dad & Gramie 2012
Wild Within: Chopping together.
Wild Within: I have a cold so someone made me my own special brew.
Wild Within: Flickr app test
Wild Within: The Yard ...
Wild Within: coconut
Wild Within: Date Night
Wild Within: Liv & Tim
Wild Within: the professor
Wild Within: farm work
Wild Within: getting the job done
Wild Within: they're back!
Wild Within: vegan lasagna!
Wild Within: sweet like u
Wild Within: de-frosting
Wild Within: in the middle
Wild Within: cold beauty
Wild Within: he said "trust me it will work" and he was right.
Wild Within: My boy.
Wild Within: dinner
Wild Within: the prep
Wild Within: step #57
Wild Within: hard at work