Silvia♥: And it all begins where it ends
Silvia♥: Suddenly the sky became unreal
Silvia♥: Never too hot for a wooly plaid
Silvia♥: Take my hand and show me where we’re going
Silvia♥: Eyes and whiskers in the kitchen
Silvia♥: Rolling up is such a great thing
Silvia♥: Looking at something we humans can't see
Silvia♥: ...Who's there?
Silvia♥: What?
Silvia♥: Nox imperat serena
Silvia♥: Briciola
Silvia♥: Briciola
Silvia♥: Windmills
Silvia♥: Silence
Silvia♥: Very busy morning
Silvia♥: Deeply sleeping
Silvia♥: La nonna studia la ricetta...
Silvia♥: nonna all'opera!
Silvia♥: Wistful afternoon
Silvia♥: The sunny afternoon
Silvia♥: Too long claws
Silvia♥: Both Zeta and Briciola
Silvia♥: Looking through you
Silvia♥: Briciola says Hi!
Silvia♥: Perfect pose
Silvia♥: <<Mmmh... let me think about it...>>
Silvia♥: Snout
Silvia♥: Vivienne Westwood shop in London
Silvia♥: London Bridge