n+s: shapeshifter, the movie.
Kyle Bastien: yrbnew
junku: _0015948
emblem.photo: Nighttime in the City - short version
Lelé: Para Lia
Lelé: Nos tempos antigos...
www.toddklassy.com: Chariots of Gold
Valerio.I: Golden stripe
breakforlove: deus absconditus
mimesios: The Catcher in the Rye
breakforlove: Matochkin Shar
RoninVision: Electric Avenue
junku: IMG_3237
Cubilla Milan: Alakylä, Kouvola
colerise: i felt it was ceramic
aumbody images: 8 Seconds of Twilight
eyecatcher: Truly Madly Deeply
eqqman: Dandelion in the wind
Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara): yellow hill (a.k.a. find the bee)