gms: Inverkip Chimney No More
beegee74: bring a tripod
Welcome to Switzerland backstage!: Swiss roundabout loop
madswisscow: Traffic is flowing before the chaos when the Prez gets into town this afternoon ....
ubiquity_zh: Got no money in my pockets
ubiquity_zh: Losing my religion
nchenga: ist das kunst, oder kann das weg?
Michaelasixfive: Cluttered
MoreLife81: Kirsch-torte, Zug, Switzerland die attishölzler marschieren
Werner Koenig: Now we got in Böckten a biotope
ubiquity_zh: Sur les quais de Barcelone
ubiquity_zh: Dutch corridors
Stewart =W=: Aqua shimmer
sp photography.: Day 117: Oh Jesus
Dom Dada: Selbstbedienung / Self-Service
TenerifeTenerife: mosaico-redondo
claudia stucki: Time tunnel?
teclasorg: ADM 3A
ubiquity_zh: Outgrown
swanksalot: Chess Meisters
eloisavh: In Tägertschi, Bern
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: niki de staint phalle