Christine *: Kayaking in November
Christine *: Buffleheads (Bucephala albeola) ♂
Christine *: Am. Black Ducks
Christine *: Red-breasted Merganser( Mergus serrator)
Christine *: Reflections
Christine *: Scotch Cove Reflections
Christine *: Little Kiss
Christine *: "Rebirth of a Rock"
Christine *: Ahh, Relaxation at Sea
Christine *: Common or Harbor/Harbour Seals, Quite Content
Christine *: Boat Ramp Leading to Scotch Cove, NS
Christine *: Preening Time In Sync
Christine *: Hybrid: American Black Duck & Mallard
Christine *: Scotch Cove, Nova Scotia
Christine *: Wind-Paddler Kayaking
Christine *: Scotch Cove, Nova Scotia
Christine *: American Crow, a friendly crow, down by the sea.
Christine *: Long-tailed Duck - Clangula hyemalis