Christine *:
Cracked Snow & Ice
Christine *:
Ring-billed Gull Profile
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Christine *:
Semipalmated Plover
Christine *:
Angie Having Fun
Christine *:
Willet - Tringa semipalmata
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Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) Surrounded By Periwinkles
Christine *:
Bonaparte's Gull - Juvenile
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Kite Surfing II
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Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca
Christine *:
Freedom at Crescent Beach, NS
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Beach Glass
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Atlantic Surf Clam 💫
Christine *:
Willet 💫
Christine *:
Red Fox 💫
Christine *:
Great Black-backed Gull
Christine *:
Great Black-backed Gull
Christine *:
Windsurfing 💫
Christine *:
Kayaking Twosome 💫
Christine *:
Kitesurfing Combos 💫
Christine *:
Great Black-backed Gull ✨
Christine *:
Common Daisy & Dusty Miller
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Walking Along the Shore 🌙
Christine *:
Christine *:
Am. Crow in Flight
Christine *:
Walking Barefoot, Fast on Crescent Beach
Christine *:
Crescent Beach, Late Afternoon ✨
Christine *:
Pensive Walk
Christine *:
Overlooking the Dunes ✨
Christine *:
A Border Collie, on the Run