Wanderungen: Austin, E 7th St.
Wanderungen: Austin, historic site with adjecent parking lot
S. Dekind: Straße des 17. Juni
S. Dekind: Reichstagufer
Wanderungen: Office building, "Toren C," Slotervaart
Hen's March: Impressions of Unterkochen II
Hen's March: Impressions of Unterkochen II
Stu.Brown: Millers Point.
Musée McCord Stewart Museum: Houses for Mr. Meredith, corner of Barré and Aqueduct Streets, Montreal, QC, 1903
Nemury: Tokyo Plant Pots 333 東京植木鉢
S. Dekind: Alexanderstraße
S. Dekind: Mutterstadt 07
ykanazawa1999: Where the Misawa River Flows into the Tama River
ykanazawa1999: South Part of Haneda Movable Bridge
the workers' opposition: typical view of nashville
the workers' opposition: the brick garden