soapHOUSEmama: Sisters1
beckyb: It's a jungle out there.
Pretty Bird Press: Fun, fun, fun day of firsts
beckyb: Night lights. #seattle #quickworktrip
Pretty Bird Press: Good Morning Gecko
Pretty Bird Press: Magic Hour #nofilter
Pretty Bird Press: Practicing for Fall. It's soon, right?
Pretty Bird Press: It's the week of wildlife around here. This guy made it out safely, however.
beckyb: Dahlias are back in season. #backinseattle
Pretty Bird Press: In today's Weezer lesson: Across the Sea
Pretty Bird Press: Barton Springs Cutie
Pretty Bird Press: Fun With Exhibits Today
Pretty Bird Press: Signs of Summer
mlisle: Bluebonnets
Pretty Bird Press: Taught Lily D about mosaics this weekend, and today she made one for me. 😍
Pretty Bird Press: Father's Day Fun!
Pretty Bird Press: Easter Eggs
Pretty Bird Press: Texas Spring
Pretty Bird Press: We didn't find coffee, but at least we found Mario.
lbdoherty: Would be a quick gift, but it always takes me more time to choose fabrics for a pouch than it does to make one.
Pretty Bird Press: This feels very Austin.