Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Reid Northrup:
Upper Catawba Falls - Explored
Carl's Captures:
Fuzz Lightyear
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
heart of European hedgehog - Erinaceus europaeus
flow through greens
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
last rays of Sun...
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
before the Storm...
To Boldly Go
Luigi Remonti:
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
the sentinel - The little owl - Athene noctua
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
R. Keith Clontz:
Tanawha Crossing
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Nicola Destefano - Wildlife Photography:
Siberian tit
Glenn Bartley -
Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
Glenn Bartley -
Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum)
Reid Northrup:
Lemon Falls
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Szabo Zsolt Andras:
Luigi Remonti:
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
a tu per tu con l'Anthocharis cardamines - Aurora - Orange tip -
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi:
the sound of the Alpine chough or yellow-billed chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus
Happy Easter