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LewisJCrawford: My great grandpa was a bad@ss. That is a ticket for a ride on his bi-wing plane. That's a pick from his plane. The metal item is the manufacturer plate from the engine. #history #aviation #barnstormer #family
LewisJCrawford: A Little Lost Buddy. #nofilter #antslovecoffee #whoknew
LewisJCrawford: The odd (clever) stuff you find in the art building. I was told this has been there for a year.
LewisJCrawford: Misguided Directions. #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: A Wrong Turn in a Parking Garage.
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 25 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 24 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Wise words from my tea this morning. Yes, that is Alan Turing on my mug. A wonderful gift from the Grahams, way back in the day. Lately, I use it almost every day.
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LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 22 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 23 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 21 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Cement Termites. #nofilter I forgot I took this.
LewisJCrawford: Installation shots of the exhibition Geometry from Public Space.
LewisJCrawford: My after show, evening companion. #JennyPenny #coldweatherlapcat
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 18 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 17 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 14 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 16 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No.15 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Natural Unnatural No. 13 #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Momentary Chevron #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Warm Geometry #nofilter
LewisJCrawford: Shadow Henge #nofilter