lewiselementary: Community Care Day - 2013
lewiselementary: Safety Patrol1 #dayone
lewiselementary: Figuring out the cafeteria #dayone
lewiselementary: First day of school...
lewiselementary: Classic lunchbox
lewiselementary: Green pants day...
lewiselementary: Everyday this student taunts me with a different Cardinals shirt.
lewiselementary: Pretty warm today. One of our neighbors came by & donated 3 fans for our classrooms.
lewiselementary: Depave photos from Mr. Colvin
lewiselementary: Lunch box photos
lewiselementary: A great evening for our Lewis Open House.
lewiselementary: Lewis late opening at the Reed College Cooley Art Gallery...
lewiselementary: Lunch recess...
lewiselementary: Recycling volunteers
lewiselementary: Rain Garden excavation completed this weekend. New soil arrives this week, and our planting is scheduled for Oct. 12...
lewiselementary: Big game tomorrow... #5thgradefootball
lewiselementary: Recording in the hallway...
lewiselementary: Soil delivery for our rain garden
lewiselementary: Walk and Bike Day tomorrow!
lewiselementary: The crane
lewiselementary: Rain Garden helper. We are planting our garden at 10:00 am Saturday. Hope to see many folks there.
lewiselementary: One of our new planter boxes...