lewiselementary: One last Sunday evening at #Lewis... @cubs V @mariners on in the background... #twitter
lewiselementary: Rasema... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Selim... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Rasema and Selim... Lewis Elementary is very fortunate to have these two taking care of our school. I am lucky to have worked with them and glad to live in a country that welcomed them. #countryofimmigrants #twitter #lewis
lewiselementary: Lewis Community Care Day 2016 August 27: 9:00 - Noon #lewis
lewiselementary: The path/river was poured last week... A few small pieces and the 2 big logs are left to place... #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: A lovely sky over Lewis Elementary today... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Blueberries from the Lewis Garden... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: The first of the long ones goes into place... #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Work continues... #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Work continues.. #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Taking shape... #lewisplayground Learn more at: http://bit.ly/lewislogs #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Our fabulous evening custodian Rasema with her lovely granddaughter... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Bright shiny gym floor... Our gym floor was refinished today... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: The garden beds outside of our kindergarten classrooms are doing nicely this summer... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: The throne chairs went in today... #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Starting to take shape... #lewisplayground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Logs!!! #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Our contractors measuring to set the footings for our new play structure. Learn more about our new play structure at http://bit.ly/lewislogs #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: The logs are here... #playground #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Work continues on our new play structure... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Nice to be having our window trim painted... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Selim, our custodian and master gardener #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Summertime... Nothing like summer days and free Wi-Fi at the school... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: The school office is officially closed until August 10. Thank you Tracy & Kathleen for your work and support of our students. #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Fresh raspberries from the Lewis Garden... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Summer cleaning has begun... #Lewis #twitter #summer
lewiselementary: Summer cleaning progresses... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Lewis Friday morning... #lewis #twitter
lewiselementary: Moving the old slide to its new home... It has been acquired by a Lewis family to live on as part of a backyard tree house. #lewis #twitter