mjlevittation: Nicaraguans like The Beatles.
mjlevittation: Beautiful churches, dirty exteriors.
mjlevittation: A cow cut us off on our way to the taxi.
mjlevittation: We took a slow, beautiful ferry ride across the lake from San Jorge to Moyogalpa port on the island of Ometepe. That's Volcano Concepcion in the background.
mjlevittation: Pretty basic accommodations, all we need.
mjlevittation: A boy no older than 9 was herding these cattle across the road. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Another shot of Concepción. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: It was hard to remember that the island is in a lake, not the ocean. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: We really need a hammock at home. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Refreshing waterfall (cascada) after a tough (for me, out of shape) hike around Volcano Maderas.
mjlevittation: Happy New Year! May 2016 bring you health, happiness, and quality memories. We got a place with a kitchen near Playa Gigante and stopped by a market on the way. I made yucca fries for the first time, and @cryptantha made a delicious veggie scramble, along
mjlevittation: Molly spotted this on our hike at Volcano Maderas. She always spots beautiful things in nature when I zoom right by them.#Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Made from an old tire. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Dog day afternoon above Playa Amarillo. (Notice, not a single beachside home nor business in the background.) #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Gigante by dusk. #Nicaragua #nofilter
mjlevittation: Pigs everywhere. This one is almost 5ft long, pretty sure it weighs more than me. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: These people pray hard and play hard. Central Park in Masaya, #Nicaragua has amusement park rides and restaurants surrounding their main church.
mjlevittation: This is Vigorón: mashed yucca root with a cabbage salad, chicharrones, topped with pickled vinegar sauce. So good! It's sold all over the streets in Granada and Masaya. #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Molly says hi from Fortaleza El Coyotepe, a military fortress from 1893 with epic views of the city of Masaya, Volcan Masaya (and its cloud-like gases), and Laguna de Masaya (which is a crater formed by the volcano). #Nicaragua
mjlevittation: Looking across the caldera of (active) Volcán Masaya.