fakeyouth: human
recoat: Jam Factory
recoat: RICHT deck
luciferbeck: beck-MAKE A WARRIOR SHOES
rmml_: 13
atomic child: skate deck
[Ivan]: Insecto Color.
Nixon Inc: Dustin_Ortiz1
[ Cafemaco ]: salamanders' new robot
arifaj.com: Beard
*Jajo*: I love to move in here
LUKS.: colores
OUSI! Oiga Crea: la cabeza love robot y sus entrañas cableadas
f u n k: train
moira g .: Rinoceronte
lucas.leite: Part III
lucas.leite: Cloth
rickybutlerillustration: Yellow and the Knife
pemorama!: The Evil Twin
melissaphonepic9: Moleskine pages 28, 29
Fornerón: Mortalha_I (éthos anthropoi daimon)
Gy-o: Intereses geopoliticos en el artico y la antartida
[ Cafemaco ]: alter-egos
duero7: Bestiario Aerografico: NüAnimal
clarimus: Primavera/Verano 2008
www.akacorleone.com: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.jpg