David Olkarny Photography: Dude, get a girlfriend, it's useful
David Olkarny Photography: Kitchen Nightmares
francesco09: NuvolE
francesco09: EyeS
francesco09: 2015-03-18_11-10-14
lynn_nord: Puzzle
Deborah Brugnera: Sarah + Mattia
sunny-drunk: The Black Crow and the Infinity Pool...........this side affluence, the other side poverty..............
giocondo51: merletti
francesco09: teen
Toyokazu: poor swimmer
Toyokazu: Hooray Hooray Happy!! #2
Ferrograf.: "Nel segno dell'occulto" parte I
giocondo51: DSCF2464
matteroffact: yes way
francesco09: Gli SposI
Souichi Furusho: Image pic #94
carlocava: After 50 years
gianluca camillini: German Pavilion — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Souichi Furusho: Bird pic #17
francesco09: ImpressionI
francesco09: FirE
Souichi Furusho: Image pic #85
Souichi Furusho: Light pic #27
Souichi Furusho: Bird pic #16