jurvetson: Never been seen before: a Live Feed from Orbital Reentry
jurvetson: The Mysterious Ungrouped Achondrite NWA 15915
jurvetson: Live video call to the Japanese Experiment Module in orbit
Si 558: DeLorean DMC-12
Michal Jeska: Sunrise over the Bernese alps
Michal Jeska: Anticrepuscular rays
jurvetson: A whole Black Beauty from Mars
rjonsen: MM7359 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Italian Airforce Axalp 19.10-22
Michael W. Potter: Scintillant Hummingbird male
Michael W. Potter: Talamanca Hummingbird male
Koku85: White-throated Kingfisher
Michael W. Potter: Tyrian Metaltail two interacting
Michael W. Potter: Sword-billed Hummingbird
Michael W. Potter: Crowned Woodnymph male
Michael W. Potter: Tufted Coquette male
craig goettsch: Brrrrrrrrr..................
philippebeenne: France 2021 - Paris - Le Panthéon
Sérgio Guerreiro: in the eyes of the night
Jmawnster: Sloth
Jim Greenfield: Patch reef in the Maldives, Indian Ocean
philipp-pictures: Vilamendhoo-27
philipp-pictures: Vilamendhoo-32
Jim Greenfield: Pinkbar Goby - Amblyeleotris aurora
glenwaldron: TPAY2567
jurvetson: The artistry of the cell spanning 50 years
geckzilla: Arp 288
stocks photography: standing in the full force of weather and time