Larch: Un peu de couleur sous la pluie...
Larch: Double barrière (double fence)
Larch: Entre voisins... (between neighbours)
Larch: Joyeuses Pâques à tous, à toutes ! Happy Easter to all of you !
Larch: Le bonhomme de Monterosso (The guy from Monterosso)
Larch: Jamais la même... (Never the same...)
Larch: Le petit port de Manarola. (The small harbour in the village of Manarola)
Larch: Dernière vérification... (last verification...)
Larch: Les coeurs de Camogli (Camogli hearts)
Larch: Routine
Larch: Entrées maritimes... (sea mist)
Larch: Harmonie
Larch: Authentiques (True)