Leroy Soesman: Took quite a bit of time to get the anatomy right for this page. #sketch #drawing #shortstory #art #artist #project #pages #comic #comics #comicpage #pencilart
Leroy Soesman: Character Id like to feature more. Kinda kill her off on page 2 though... #traditionalart #wip #soon #comics #instaart #artist #art #shortstory #drawing #sketch
Leroy Soesman: Spoilers spoilers. Not giving away too much i hope. #shortstory #superhero #project #ink #pages #art #artist #instaart #inkdrawing #comic #comics #soon #wip #traditionalart #layout
Leroy Soesman: Working them pages whenever I can. #traditionalart #art #drawing#instaart #comic #comics #comicpage #pages #ink #project #superhero #shortstory
Leroy Soesman: "Don't you ever tame your demons, always keep them on a leash" -Hozier
Leroy Soesman: Rotterdam Artist Meetings #art #drawing #instaart #lifedrawing #cosplay
Leroy Soesman: Rotterdam Artist Meetings #artist #cosplay #lifedrawing #instaart #drawing #art
Leroy Soesman: Grey fox fanart. #brushpen #copics #colorpencils #fanart #drawing #metalgearsolid #art #instaart #mgs #ninja
Leroy Soesman: I needs me one of these. #dutchcomiccon #wacom #cintiq
Leroy Soesman: Something in between pages. #wip#ink #comic #comicpage #inkdrawing #art #instaart #project #drawing #letsgo #brushpen #comingsoon #shortstory
Leroy Soesman: #project #comingsoon #instaart #drawing #art #inkdrawing #comicpage #comic #ink
Leroy Soesman: Be patient. #project #comic #comics #ink #inkdrawing #art #drawing #instaart #comingsoon
Leroy Soesman: #longjohnsilver #blacksails #fanart #instaart #drawing #art #inkdrawing #ink
Leroy Soesman: Long day short sketch #art #characterdesign #cooldown #relax #sketch #drawing #brushpen #instaart #drawing #shortstory #comic
Leroy Soesman: It has been quiet. I have been working. #secrets. #instaart #comic #design #commission #game #soon #art #brushpen #comicpage
Leroy Soesman: Designs for the short are coming along nicely. It'll have to wait for a bit though. I have papers to grade and a project to finish. #soon #art #sketch #brushpen #comic #instaart #characterdesign #superhero #shortstory
Leroy Soesman: Second character design for my short story. #art #sketch #brushpen #comic #instaart #characterdesign #superhero #shortstory #drawing
Leroy Soesman: In the face of terrible disappointment I keep moving on. I will not give up. Working on something new and awesome. #art #sketch #brushpen #comic #instaart #characterdesign #superhero #shortstory
Leroy Soesman: WIP. #aquainvicta #comics #art #sketch #brushpen #pages #comic
Leroy Soesman: Another quicky. Lijkt op@Leia, maar het is Olga van agent 327. #sketch #comics #brushpen #art #doodle
Leroy Soesman: Just one more time. #redsonja #comicart #comicbooks #comics #battlefield #carandachepencils #Art #fanart #kuretake #brushpen
Leroy Soesman: I think I kinda lije drawing #redsonja #commission #commissionedart #art #copics #brushpen #bristolboard #carandachepencils #battlefield #comics #comicbooks #comicart
Leroy Soesman: New panels. #aquainvicta #eppo #comics #art #linework #comicart #brushpen end is drawing closer. Stay tuned
Leroy Soesman: A day late I think. #wonderwoman #dccomics #fanart #comics #linework #art #comicart
Leroy Soesman: After a long tiring day, a #cooldown #sketch is the way to go. Finally time to draw #harleyquinn. #dccomics #comics #art #brushpen #fanart #suicidésquad #linework
Leroy Soesman: Random #batgirl #fanart. Inquire about prices if you're interested. #comics #dc #fanart #ink #art #comicart #sketch #sketches #randomtags
Leroy Soesman: Knocking out #aquainvicta #pages. Whoop! #comics #comicart #eppo #art #ink #comicbooks
Leroy Soesman: #cooldown #sketch after a weekend of drawing. Had a great time. Great seeing everyone. I probably wont br at conventions for quite a while. See you all when I return. #stripfestivalbreda #copicmarkers #brushpen #starwars #sith
Leroy Soesman: Two more from #stripfestivalbreda #art #commission #brushpen #copicmarkers #zombie #aquainvicta
Leroy Soesman: Moments of #stripfestivalbreda #brushpen #commission #art #blackandwhite random hashtag of the day: #g