Alfredo Oliva Delgado: Of pidgeons and horses (Sevilla, 2023)
koen_jacobs: Parade!
European Parliament: Italy’s Prime Minister Draghi calls for faster EU integration to address crises
European Parliament: Italy’s Prime Minister Draghi calls for faster EU integration to address crises
NASA on The Commons: St. Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland
Scott Stults: Double Spring Reflection
Photobirder: Hare in the dew
smeert: 001
European Parliament: President Sassoli portrait ceremony
European Parliament: President Sassoli portrait ceremony
European Parliament: President Sassoli portrait ceremony
mibreit: Future World
adamcaird: Piece of PI
RégisD: Hummm se rafraîchir....
RégisD: Un éléphant ça trompe énormément...
RégisD: Cousu de fil blanc....
RégisD: Emission CO²...0 KG
.rog3r1: Schleppjagd
Role Bigler: Sparkles Buddy
dominikfoto: Frozen morning
alexstoddard: Maelstrom