KentFan: 伯朗大道
Sebastian Warneke: Green #3 / Sweden
Andreas Norstedt: Stockholm June 2018
Vicco Gallo: Rhubarb with brown sugar
Teemun hetket: Bros Pose
motoyan: L1300387C
gin_able: strandbad-L1200548
Raphael Sombrio: Encounter with the light
minimal seoul: Leica Q, L1000437
B. Simba: the city
nonochampion: Vallée de la Clarée
楚志遠: 製香師
Sebastian Warneke: Fiordland National Park / New Zealand
Antonello Crosta: Settembre 2014, Santa Maria degli Angeli, Monte Tamaro
Rui Palha: Alone ...
Kaarel Nurk: Heinola, Finland, July 2016
Noval Goya: Autumn in the city I. (multiexpo)
Cilla's: Drawing building in the air