leo.roos: It grabs you
leo.roos: Making hay while the sun shines
leo.roos: Peter Verlaan, chainsaw artist
leo.roos: Running on pilchards in tomato sauce
leo.roos: These wheels are made for rollin'. And that's just what they'll do. One of these days these wheels are gonna roll all over you.
leo.roos: Ship cranes in the night
leo.roos: There's something in the air
leo.roos: Making hay while the sun shines
leo.roos: Three seater
leo.roos: There's something in the air
leo.roos: Throwing the waste over the fence
leo.roos: Harbour dredging
leo.roos: Rust to rust
leo.roos: Colourful
leo.roos: Disappearing doors
leo.roos: Phoenix, 1982-1984, Raphael August Opstaele (MAIM)
leo.roos: The Miele Space Station, 1999, Superuse Studios
leo.roos: Torenkraan De Schelde KMS 528-01, reflected
leo.roos: The return of the steam crane
leo.roos: Winter ploughing in autumn for spring crops
leo.roos: Bulk
leo.roos: Onion harvesting
leo.roos: Little Switzerland
leo.roos: Convoi exceptionnel
leo.roos: Harvest
leo.roos: We work the land
leo.roos: Cold steel warm colours
leo.roos: Colourful monster
leo.roos: La naranja mecánica
leo.roos: It grabs you