leo.roos: K-out
leo.roos: Rotten to the core
leo.roos: Visions of laundry
leo.roos: On a wire
leo.roos: Towers of power
leo.roos: Pulley
leo.roos: Cow parsley
leo.roos: Mirror
leo.roos: Hothouse patterns
leo.roos: Greenhouse patterns
leo.roos: Making the tele a bit wider
leo.roos: Liguria to the oil terminal
leo.roos: In the Breeddiep
leo.roos: Liguria, ferry, pilots: jockeying for position for the Breeddiep
leo.roos: More jockeying
leo.roos: Making a U-turn
leo.roos: Starting to turn
leo.roos: Hello Willem!
leo.roos: Liguria just before entering the Breeddiep
leo.roos: Old and new energy (but which is which?)
leo.roos: Full speed ahead
leo.roos: Liguria dwarfed by the Hook of Holland - Harwich ferry
leo.roos: First contact
leo.roos: Tugging on the Nieuwe Waterweg
leo.roos: On the threshold
leo.roos: The start/The end of a relationship
leo.roos: Crossbow 10
leo.roos: Beach on Boxing Day
leo.roos: Hanging out to dry
leo.roos: Flying