leo.roos: A bit of sunshine on a grey and rainy day
leo.roos: Camping in the orchard
leo.roos: Going Dutch
leo.roos: Samsung NX mini + Schneider-Kreuznach Cinegon 5,5/1.8 (cine lens, D-mount)
leo.roos: Parasol
leo.roos: Fairy inkcap _ 2
leo.roos: Fairy inkcap
leo.roos: Fairy inkcap _ 3
leo.roos: Samsung NX mini + Meyer Trioplan 13/2.5 (1938; D-mount)
leo.roos: Schlumbergera
leo.roos: Shadows in the bathroom
leo.roos: Samsung NX mini selfie with Meyer Trioplan 13/2.5 (1938; D-mount)
leo.roos: Bathroom mirror
leo.roos: The dying of the light
leo.roos: Craning towards the sun
leo.roos: Circles and ovals
leo.roos: The green forest in the blue hour
leo.roos: 9 DSC01138 Olympus Pen F Auto-Macro 38_3.5 pp rc
leo.roos: Pentaka 8
leo.roos: Flektogon 5,5/2
leo.roos: Hot planet, cool moons
leo.roos: Hatching onion
leo.roos: Onion
leo.roos: Plasmat painting a dandelion clock
leo.roos: She's leaving home
leo.roos: Off road
leo.roos: Descent into the Maelström
leo.roos: Just a leaf
leo.roos: Con gaz
leo.roos: Rain on pane _ 2