leo.roos: Pretty in blue
leo.roos: Pretty in pink
leo.roos: Secret life of shopping carts _ 3
leo.roos: Secret life of shopping carts
leo.roos: Secret life of shopping carts _ 2
leo.roos: Secret life of shopping carts _ 4
leo.roos: Checking in, checking out
leo.roos: Escalator grey with a touch of colour
leo.roos: Empty ashtray (let's keep it that way)
leo.roos: Soft portrait
leo.roos: Stairs
leo.roos: Doors of Reflection
leo.roos: Dusty security
leo.roos: Bubbles
leo.roos: Poppy dream
leo.roos: The window reflected
leo.roos: Meyer Telemegor 150mm /Tele Megor 15cm
leo.roos: Meyer Tele Megor and Telemegor 180/5.5
leo.roos: One September morning _ 2
leo.roos: One September morning
leo.roos: Web, spider and bubbles
leo.roos: Bend me shape me
leo.roos: Late sun on the forest floor
leo.roos: Green on green
leo.roos: Fleeting forms fading
leo.roos: Rural sunset
leo.roos: Death of a season
leo.roos: Fern right
leo.roos: Spheres
leo.roos: Leaves are brown